Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Naps are good. I like to nap. Sometimes I nap in my den under Mom's worktable (I keep my bones and a toy or two down there; I too old to play with toys, but I like to have them at nap-time), sometimes I nap on the couch (SO comfy... and it's all mine! mostly...), and sometimes on the rug at the foot of Mom's bed, but only if she's sleeping before I come in, so she won't know I'm there. Mom naps too, and she's always better and happier after she naps. I think everybody should take naps. Naps are good! Humans would be happier if they had a nap every day. They make the little humans have naps, but they don't take them. This seems quite foolish to me. If naps are good for little humans, why not for big humans too? Mom says that in hot countries everybody takes a nap after lunch, and they close all the businesses (I asked what those are, and she said, like the dogfood store. I guess there are hot dogs in hot countries...). We should all live like the hot people and have a nice nap after lunch. And maybe after breakfast. And after dinner wouldn't hurt either. Or in the middle of the afternoon when there's nothing to bark at. That's my idea today, anyway. So think about me snoozing, and take a happy nap! ROOOO!

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