Hello Human Readers, and dog readers too! I sory I not write for so long, but Mom is always on the typey thing. She say she writes Novel, like a long story. I only has short stories, but I can't get to typey thing, then she turn it off and no more light and we go to bed. (I pretend I sleep on couch, but when Mom asleep, I go in and gard her!) [like I didn't know that, says Mom. Kimiko snores] (not so much as Mom snores, so ther)
Anyways, I am not happy. All my snow is gone. All the human people seem happy, and those pesky birds are back and steel my fur that I leave around my yard to make it mine. No snow to roll in. No snow to flip with my snoot. No snow to rub my face in. And if that is not bad enuf for snow dog, now it RAIN! On my HEAD! I hate rain. It make me all wet. Almos as bad as a baff. Mom never gives me baff at home; she takes me for a long car ride (and I good in car; I just pant a little) and then leads me in to that place. I don't like the baff and the brush, but the human lady is real nice and she speaks dog way better than Mom does. Sometimes Mom doesn't unnerstand me. [Mom says, yes I do, but after the second treat, I'm not going to give Kimiko any more!]
Only one good fing about snow all gone. I go for more walks now. Remember Caryn my bff? Her Mom and Dad come take me for long walks. I love her Mom and try to give her face kisses, but she doesn't like those like my Mom does. I'm a little scared of her Dad because he is man and very very big. But yesterday -- no, day before? I forget. Anyways, he come by himself. I kiss his fingers through fence, but I bark a little too. He says nice things. Then my Mom comes out with my walking clothes! [Mom: harness and leash] I think Mom and the Dad take me for walk, and that good; they dress me and we start to walk, then I see Mom not there -- just the Dad! Oh no. I a little scared, but only a little because I am BIG Akita and Akitas are brave. The Dad walks very fast like I do. My Mom is slow, but that's OK. I teach her faster. We have short walk, the Dad and Kimiko, then he brings me home and I drinks all my water, make Mom give me Snosage [Snausages] and I eat it up and take a nap. Has I said that naps are good? you should take one!!!
But I misses my snow. Soon it will be hot, and I will be inside where it be cool. I don't like hot. My head has black fur and it gets real hot and I don't like that at all. Inside better in summer; it be cool. I like cool. Mostly I like COLD, but I am Akita, and Akita is Snow Dog!
Bye now, my Mom comes back!
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