Some many days ago, I saved my mom's life. OK, the story reely starts a longer time ago, even before the last snow time. Mom likes to "teach me tricks." She doesn't understand that I already know how to do everything, even type on this typey thing, but it makes her happy to think she can teach me, so I pretend. Besides, I get treats when I play along.
So she teached me to bring her that thing she holds up to her face and talks with. She calls it the fone. I don't like the box thing it sits on because it makes horrible noises, so I won't get the fone when the noises happen. But when the bigger thing is quiet, I don't mind. First Mom teached me to set my front paws on the wood box that the fone box sits on [Mom note: it's the stereo cabinet]. Like I don't know how to put my front paws on thing! I am laffing on inside. Has Mom not see me stand up with my front paws on the fence top in my yard? She think I'm stupid? I think I get lots of yummy little chewy treats when I "learn" to put my front paws on wood thing! Then she put fone in my mouth and says, "Good Kimi!" and then takes it out and gives me more treats. I let her do this a bunch of times, so I get a bunch of treats, then I do it myself, and Mom is SO happy. I am laffing again! Then she backed away and says "Kimi, bring Mama the fone." I look at her. She says again, "Bring Mama the fone! Good Kimi!" So I do, and I get lots of pets and cuddles. We do this for many days. Lots of treats for me! then she put some boxes and things in front of wood thing, so I can't do fone trick anymore for a while.
But then some days ago she got up from our couch, and walked a few steps, and fell down. This scared me because Mom doesn't fall down. I licked her face and she opened her eyes. She looked confused, and that scared me too. (How do I get treats when she's confused? No, really, I love Mom more than anybody!) I lick her again. She try to move, and it looked like she hurt. She said, "Kimi, good girl, bring Mama the fone!" So I do. I drop it in her hand. She talk into it. Then she said, "Kimi, help Mama to the couch!" So I bent down a little bit so she could put her arm over me, and I helped her to the couch. She was not standing on her feet, though. She had one arm on me and one front paw on the floor, and her knees on the floor. Kimiko worries. After some time Mom talk on the fone again, then soon Aunt Shari comes. She doesn't knock so I don't have to bark for her; that's good because I don't think Mom wanted barks. Aunt Shari gived me a peanut treat (and thank you to readers who told Mom to buy them! they my FAVORITE treat!) and took Mom away. After a long, long LONG time she brought Mom home. Mom smelled really funny; it was a strong smell that made my nose hurt. Mom says it is antisectic, I think [Mom note: antiseptic. Probably from all the alcohol prep wipes for drawing blood, running an IV, and putting sticky things on me to do an EKG].
Aunt Shari put me out and when I came in there was food and water in my bowls and Mom was in bed. Aunt Shari said I was a good girl and maybe saved Mom's life. Mom told me I was the best dog in the world -- then I rooed because she said it wrong -- so she said I was the best AKITA in the world, because I know all Akitas are better than other dogs [Mom note: OK, so she's breedist -- she can't help it...]. I'm happy because Mom is home now, although she had to go away one afternoon after that and came back smelling funny again. [Mom note: IV iron; she could probably scent the additional iron in my blood, although I couldn't]
So I saved my Mom's life. Every big dog should learn to bring fone to their moms. Even some little dogs can probably do it. If I'd known she was going to fall, I would have stood in front of her so she could fall on me and not get all funny colored like her side is now. But she said she wasn't really going to die, it's just ameemeea? [Mom note: anemia... sigh... she can type but she's not the world's best speller. but then, she is an Akita.] But I still think that if I had not brought her the fone, she would have died right then. I was asleep when she falled, but it woke me right up so I could save her.
I've been getting more treats since then, and when she walks in the house I make sure I'm right beside her in case she decides to fall again. I don't want her to be hurt. She's the bestest Mom EVER, especially since she bought more peanut treats.
Bye for now!
Good dog! Good mom, too. Thank heavens for Kimiko and the "fone" and for those peanut butter treats...