First off, dear hooman readers, I will try to rite more hoomany -- humany? -- because Aunt Shari complains that I type funny. Aunt Shari apparently does not read the site "I Has a Hot Dog" or subscribe to get LOLdogs. Then she would recognize my LOLspeak. But OK. I will try to rite rite. [Write right.] (OK, MOM!!!) (btw it is very hard to make big letters like THIS because I only have claws.)
Some days ago Mom was getting ready to go somewhere. She didn't think I knew she was packing stuff, because she does not no how smart I am (but she knows how beautiful I am!). But I new. I was a little concerned. At least one time she left me alone in the house and friends like Caryn or Connie (across the street; Zeb used to live there; I was in love with Zeb. He was bigger than I am! Mom says he is a Great Dane. I says he is a Great Dog. But now Zeb is gone and Connie has a little dog who barks at me. But that's OK; I bark at him!) what was I saying? Oh yes, these friends come and let me out or in and give me food and treats. But that is long time to be all alone.
This time Mom takes me to Lynn's place. She has taken me there before. I love Lynn almost as much as I love Caryn. Lynn is really really nice and she loves me and she knows dog-speak really good. I even like the boys who work there. I run to the back to see if any of my dog-friends are there. Yes! Some of my friends from before are there! And there are some new dogs to meet and sniff and run with. I had a wonderful time! On hot days, Lynn lets me stay in where it's cool. On cooler days I get to run with big dogs. My friend Spike used to come with me sometimes. He was a little dog, Mom had him before I came to live there, but he would go out with the big dogs. He would run a little, then lay down in shade and watch us run and play. Mom said he could not run too much because his heart is too big. I think a big heart is better than a little one. Spike is gone now, and I miss him sometimes. But I like to have Mom all for me! Anyway, I had a really really good time at Lynn's place! I hope I get to go there again soon! Lynn doesn't give me so many treats as Mom does, but playing with my dog-friends makes up for it!
I hardly even missed Mom at all. But don't tell her that, OK?
Oh, and I am a little worried right now. Today a MAN came to the house at lunch time and came in and he had a HAT. (I HATE HATS. NO ONE SHOULD WEAR THEM!!!) Mom and the man talked a long time, and she told me to be quiet when I barked at him. It is my job to bark at strangers, and this man was a stranger! Anyway, then they went out the front door, and they didn't come back for a long time. But then he went a way. I hope he doesn't take my Mom away again.
[Mom: He is a friend from my junior high and high school days; we had a lot of catching up to do, but he is a friend and doesn't live in Bismarck, so Kimiko has nothing to worry about! And she'll get to go to Lynn's again soon, I'm sure. I'm just glad she has a good time there!]
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Sleepy Times
It is all the way summer now, and very very hot. My yard is a jungle; I only has a small strip in the front and I has to walk on it a lot so no more green stuff grows. Mom says green stuff is weeds, and her garden in front of my yard has some too, but only not so many as mine.
Mom is not feeling good at all. I hasn't beed able to rite to you, hoomans, becuz hardly ever is the typey thing on. Mom has head hurts, and she keeps lights off, and typey things off, and she stays in bed a lots. Sometimes she goes away and she tells me she sees doctors and I know she's not shopping becuz she does not bring anyfing home. I wish she felt better.
When she is in bed, I lie in the bedroom wif her. I hope I make her feel better becuz I, her byootiful Akita, is wif her. I be very quit. Quite. Quiet. one of does is rite. She tries to read sometimes, but that gives her head hurts too. When she tries to read or watch the box, I sleep on the couch by her or in my den. Poor Mom. Poor me, I need new treats! But if Mom eats, she gives me lots of it. I fink she feels pretty bad becuz she not eating choklit (she doesn't give me lots of choklit, she says it is poyson for dogs, especially Akitas, even though it makes me drool becuz it smells so very good!). She loves choklit almost as much as she loves me!
I show you picshur of me sleeping in my den. I has not a picshur of me in Mom's room, becuz I can't use the picshur-taker-fing. I hope Mom feels better soon, but sleeping inside where is cool is so better than being outside when it SO hot! My fur falls out!
Talk to you later when fings is better for me and Mom, OK?
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Food -- Who Decides When I Eat?
You can see my bowls. They don't sit on the rug anymore, now they sit on a funny green thing that sticks to the floor and makes sure the bowls don't move when I eat out of them. Do you see what my food bowl says? It says MORE FOOD. (please).
Here's the thing. When humans want food, they get it for themselves. I can only ask. I ask nicely by raising my paw. When I want to make Mom laugh, I talk to her in Akita talk [Mom: that's a sort of wooo noise that changes in pitch as she "says" it]. Sometimes Mom gives me a treat, sometimes she says no. No??? NO??? Do you see the unfairness here?
My food and treats are in containers I can't open because I do not have thumbs. I only get food if a human gives it to me. Usually that human is Mom. But lately she's been taking my dinner away if I don't eat it right away. Well, maybe I'm not hungry when she fills the bowl. Maybe I like to dine later. (My bfdf Lennon says that dining later is sofistikated, and only pesants eat early, so there, Mom!) But if I don't eat before she starts watching night TV, she takes it away. I can't get it.
I have a list of demands. I want a bowl that makes food come out whenever I want it. I want a treat container that I can open myself whenever I want it. I want lots of different kinds of treats: crunchy bones, chewy bacons, sausages, cheezes, swet taters [that's po-tay-toes...] ALL of them.. Whenever I want. If I don't get that, then I won't give kisses, let Mom brush me, or sit by her. I want my food when I want it, not just when she wants to give me it.
Truly, Humans, don't you think that's fair? It is MY food, after all. Woof!
[Note from Mom: I am a softie, and almost always give her a treat, or two, when she wants them -- except when she hasn't eaten the food in her bowl. If she eats dinner after 7:00, then she wants out about 11:00, when I'd rather be sleeping. So I don't feel totally unfair. But I am considering one of those self-feeding tower things... but not for treats, just for food! Too many treats, and she'll be as fat as I am!]
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Snow Is Gone!!!
Hello Human Readers, and dog readers too! I sory I not write for so long, but Mom is always on the typey thing. She say she writes Novel, like a long story. I only has short stories, but I can't get to typey thing, then she turn it off and no more light and we go to bed. (I pretend I sleep on couch, but when Mom asleep, I go in and gard her!) [like I didn't know that, says Mom. Kimiko snores] (not so much as Mom snores, so ther)
Anyways, I am not happy. All my snow is gone. All the human people seem happy, and those pesky birds are back and steel my fur that I leave around my yard to make it mine. No snow to roll in. No snow to flip with my snoot. No snow to rub my face in. And if that is not bad enuf for snow dog, now it RAIN! On my HEAD! I hate rain. It make me all wet. Almos as bad as a baff. Mom never gives me baff at home; she takes me for a long car ride (and I good in car; I just pant a little) and then leads me in to that place. I don't like the baff and the brush, but the human lady is real nice and she speaks dog way better than Mom does. Sometimes Mom doesn't unnerstand me. [Mom says, yes I do, but after the second treat, I'm not going to give Kimiko any more!]
Only one good fing about snow all gone. I go for more walks now. Remember Caryn my bff? Her Mom and Dad come take me for long walks. I love her Mom and try to give her face kisses, but she doesn't like those like my Mom does. I'm a little scared of her Dad because he is man and very very big. But yesterday -- no, day before? I forget. Anyways, he come by himself. I kiss his fingers through fence, but I bark a little too. He says nice things. Then my Mom comes out with my walking clothes! [Mom: harness and leash] I think Mom and the Dad take me for walk, and that good; they dress me and we start to walk, then I see Mom not there -- just the Dad! Oh no. I a little scared, but only a little because I am BIG Akita and Akitas are brave. The Dad walks very fast like I do. My Mom is slow, but that's OK. I teach her faster. We have short walk, the Dad and Kimiko, then he brings me home and I drinks all my water, make Mom give me Snosage [Snausages] and I eat it up and take a nap. Has I said that naps are good? you should take one!!!
But I misses my snow. Soon it will be hot, and I will be inside where it be cool. I don't like hot. My head has black fur and it gets real hot and I don't like that at all. Inside better in summer; it be cool. I like cool. Mostly I like COLD, but I am Akita, and Akita is Snow Dog!
Bye now, my Mom comes back!
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