It is all the way summer now, and very very hot. My yard is a jungle; I only has a small strip in the front and I has to walk on it a lot so no more green stuff grows. Mom says green stuff is weeds, and her garden in front of my yard has some too, but only not so many as mine.
Mom is not feeling good at all. I hasn't beed able to rite to you, hoomans, becuz hardly ever is the typey thing on. Mom has head hurts, and she keeps lights off, and typey things off, and she stays in bed a lots. Sometimes she goes away and she tells me she sees doctors and I know she's not shopping becuz she does not bring anyfing home. I wish she felt better.
When she is in bed, I lie in the bedroom wif her. I hope I make her feel better becuz I, her byootiful Akita, is wif her. I be very quit. Quite. Quiet. one of does is rite. She tries to read sometimes, but that gives her head hurts too. When she tries to read or watch the box, I sleep on the couch by her or in my den. Poor Mom. Poor me, I need new treats! But if Mom eats, she gives me lots of it. I fink she feels pretty bad becuz she not eating choklit (she doesn't give me lots of choklit, she says it is poyson for dogs, especially Akitas, even though it makes me drool becuz it smells so very good!). She loves choklit almost as much as she loves me!
I show you picshur of me sleeping in my den. I has not a picshur of me in Mom's room, becuz I can't use the picshur-taker-fing. I hope Mom feels better soon, but sleeping inside where is cool is so better than being outside when it SO hot! My fur falls out!
Talk to you later when fings is better for me and Mom, OK?
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