First, she would eat one or two, and after each, she would neatly fold the wrapper. (Did I say they come in wrappers? They do.) Aunt Shari said that was a little Oh See Dee [editor: OCD] but Mom did it. And if she ate one or two more, she'd fold those. when there got to be as many as my front toes [8, if you don't count the dew claw] she would throw them away and not get any more.
But then it got to be more than my toes. More and more and more. Mom got a big bag of them, bigger than the others I've seen. She puts the rolls in a bowl-thing on the table in front of her couch, and then she eats them all. Sometimes it seems like they are FLYING from the table to the couch! I try to draw a picture and make it go where I want it to.

She ate and ate and ate, and forgot to fold the wrappers and they piled up and piled up and piled up until they covered up her legs!!! And I didn't get ANY!!! OK, my drawed picture isn't very good, but hey, I don't have thumbs, so don't be mean. Funny thing, though; she hasn't brought more home for a long long long time now!
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