Like I said, human readers and dog-friends, life is good. Except we don't have snow and I LOVE SNOW! I am a snowdog! (you know that movie, 8 below? about Huskies stranded on Antarctica for all winter? In real life, they were not huskies, they were AKITAS!) But Mom says to be patient, snow will come soon enough.
Why is life so good? Because over Christmas (I don't know really what that means; Mom tried to explain it, but mostly I think it is about more cookies) CARYN CAME HOME!!!! For those who don't 'member, Caryn is my absolutest bestest human friend (of course I love Mom best, but she's here all the time, except when I stay with Lynn and the BIG dogs [Mom: aka the Kennel...]). She came here to visit me and took me for lots of walks -- I don't know how many because I wasn't counting, but it was LOTS! And she brushed me outside on a really warm but windy day. All my fluff flew away! Mom says because it is so bnorm -- aborn -- strangely warm, I am blowing my coat again. This I don't understand; Mom blows on my sometimes, but she uses her mouth to blow. I am not using my mouf to make my hair come loose. Anyway, it's better when CARYN!!!! brushes me instead of Mom plucking me. Mom, I am not a chicken or a goose or one of those stupid turkey things back of Aunt Shari's backyard (but if you caught one of those and cooked it, I would eat it!). Anyway, it was fun and I'm not so itchy now!
After Caryn left again (I miss her really a lot!), Caryn's Mom and Dad came to take me for a walk! More than once! And Caryn's Dad came all by himself today and I took him for a LONG FAST walk. I'm a good walker, but slow walkers make me crazy. Mom walks me on some of those warm days, and she keeps saying "heal" [Mom: heel...] and I don't remember that word but when I go and stand beside her she gives me little treats, so maybe I should stay a little closer when I walk with her. Treats are almost as good as snow. But Mom walks SLOW. I keep trying to be out in front of her and show her how fast to go, but she keeps pulling me back and giving me treats and walking slow and saying heal. She even makes me stop and sit before we cross the streets! But I get treats for that, too, so it's OK.
Dog friends, tell your humans that a big back yard isn't enough. You need walks with treats! And human friends, remember that dogs need walks (with treats. Little ones are fine). If you can't do it, maybe one of your other human friends can! (Sometimes Mom doesn't feel good and is in bed a lot so she can't walk me; it's good if Caryn's Mom and Dad come then!)
I'm happy to see Caryn and to walk with her and her Mom and Dad, and I'm even happy to be walking slow with Mom. I just wish we had snow. [Mom: I don't, because then it's slippery and even harder to keep up with Kimiko, but I know this warm January won't last, so I'm ready for snow walks. Hope Caryn's parents are, too!] But life is good now, and I think it will get better.