I really don't understand why some days are so nice, and some days are awful. Why is it that some days are nice and cold, and I can rub my face in the snow, and toss it around with my nose (Mom calls it my "snoot." I don't want to know what that means because I think it's not nice; she laughs when she says it. Grrrr.) And ROLL in the snow. Some days snow comes down from the sky, or from down the street, and it lands on my fur and I become all white. I love these days.
Some days water comes down from the sky. Look, I am a dog, I have to go outside. I wouldn't go out when water is coming down if I didn't have to. Sometimes there's no water when Mom puts me out, and then I guess she forgets where I am, and water comes down, and I wait and wait and wait, and get wetter and am sure I'm going to melt, and then she runs out and pretends to care, and says "Poor soggy doggy!" then lets me in and rubs me with a towel. Like THAT makes me feel better.
Other days there is no snow and no water. Some of them are cool, and sometimes it's hard to see the sun, and I like those days. Even if you can see the sun I get a lot of shade from the big trees by the street, and I like being outside. I can bark at people I don't know and let them know that Kimiko the Akita is watching them, so they better behave or I might BITE them (if I could figure out how to get out of my fence. But I feel safer in my fence; only Mom knows how to get in. And Caryn who walks me; Caryn knows too. And Caryn's Mom. But that's all.)
But some days there is sun and no clouds and it is HOT. I do not like being hot. I am an Akita and Akitas are SNOW DOGS. We are not hot weather dogs like Chihuahuas who come from Mexico. I think. Anyway, Akitas don't like hot. We like cool. Mom has this thing that makes cool air come up from the floor in the kitchen on hot days. It comes up from some other places too, but the kitchen is best because I can lay all over the floor and be cool. (Note from Mom: she means "lie." Dogs have trouble with "lay" and "lie." And she really does lie ALL OVER the kitchen floor; it's small, and she's large.) And if Mom keeps my water bowl full, it gets nice and cool too, and I can have big drinks and make water go ALL over the floor. Then Mom has to find those papery things. I laugh, but I do it quietly so she doesn't know.
I don't understand why Mom can't make the all the days be nice and cool, or have snow and no water from the sky. She brings food. She makes it be dark at bedtime. Why can't she make it cool outside, like she can inside? Maybe she likes it hot. But when it's hot, she stays inside. I love to walk, but not when water is falling and not when it's hot. And not when the air hits me hard and fluffles my coat. Blech. GRRRR.
If you read this and you know my Mom, tell her I want more cold days, please.
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