I know I've said how good food is -- but it really is. Now here are two things. Aunt Shari says that there's a really good kind of food for me that comes in little cans. Mom says it would take 10 of those cans for each meal, and that costs too much. You know, I've seen her bring her food home from the human food store, and she never says anything SHE likes costs too much. Does that seem fair?
Here's another thing. When I was a puppy my Mom said I had a problem with my puppy food because it had corns in it. She had to look and look to find a food with no corns. (I don't know what those are, but Caryn gave me popcorns once and they were very tasty, but my behind made noises afterwards. Is that why corns are bad?)Anyway Mom found a food with no corns, but when I was 1 year old she got me a new food with no corns. About a year ago she started adding another food to it. These are dry crunchy foods and that's good because I like to crunch. I can even crunch up bones with my big white teeth. But why does she mix two foods? She says the new food has buffalo and deer in it. I've seen deer and I don't think they would fit into the bags she brings home. I don't know what a buffalo is but Mom says they're bigger than deer. The new food tastes good though, so I guess it's OK. It's just that she never seems to mix things together that she eats, and she puts her food in the white box that makes it hot. My food is always cold. Not really cold, but not hot. Does that seem fair?
Mom says that before I was born she had an Akita named Kato. I know she did because I can smell Kato in this house, even though Mom can't anymore. It's very faint, but I know she was here. I have some of her toys, too. Anyway, Mom said Kato watched the television box and had a favorite show. I don't much like television, especially when it's stupid humans talking, but I do like it when there are things moving really fast. Mostly during the day Mom makes it so music comes out. It's OK, just different humans howling things. But one day I heard the most awesome howling I ever heard coming out. I ran to the TV and looked, but there was no good picture, just this wonderful howling. I sat and listened until it stopped and different howling started. The box started playing the wonderful howling bunches of times every day, and when I ran to the TV to see, Mom finally came too. She said that the howling was Los Lonely Boys. They didn't sound like a lonely howl, though; it sounded like a happy howl. Finally Mom brought home one of those round flat things that she puts in the black box sometimes; it makes howling when she doesn't have the TV howling on. And there was a long time of Los Lonely Boys howling! Their same howl, but different ways, for almost an hour. Or more. Or less. I can't tell time. I laid down on the floor with my head right in the middle of the two boxes the sound comes out of, and listened to them howl. Oh, it is so wonderful! Mom should play it every day, but she doesn't love them like I do. Then I heard them on the TV box with a howl that isn't on the long round flat thing. I told Mom I wanted that howl too, but she says it's a CD and most dogs don't get any CDs at all so I'm lucky to have one. She has piles and piles of them, I think she should get me another one. If you think so too, please tell Mom to get me more of Los Lonely Boys! She says she "doesn't like them that much" but I do, and this is my house too, right? I want more howls! Doesn't that sound fair? More howls for Kimiko!
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