You can see my bowls. They don't sit on the rug anymore, now they sit on a funny green thing that sticks to the floor and makes sure the bowls don't move when I eat out of them. Do you see what my food bowl says? It says MORE FOOD. (please).
Here's the thing. When humans want food, they get it for themselves. I can only ask. I ask nicely by raising my paw. When I want to make Mom laugh, I talk to her in Akita talk [Mom: that's a sort of wooo noise that changes in pitch as she "says" it]. Sometimes Mom gives me a treat, sometimes she says no. No??? NO??? Do you see the unfairness here?
My food and treats are in containers I can't open because I do not have thumbs. I only get food if a human gives it to me. Usually that human is Mom. But lately she's been taking my dinner away if I don't eat it right away. Well, maybe I'm not hungry when she fills the bowl. Maybe I like to dine later. (My bfdf Lennon says that dining later is sofistikated, and only pesants eat early, so there, Mom!) But if I don't eat before she starts watching night TV, she takes it away. I can't get it.
I have a list of demands. I want a bowl that makes food come out whenever I want it. I want a treat container that I can open myself whenever I want it. I want lots of different kinds of treats: crunchy bones, chewy bacons, sausages, cheezes, swet taters [that's po-tay-toes...] ALL of them.. Whenever I want. If I don't get that, then I won't give kisses, let Mom brush me, or sit by her. I want my food when I want it, not just when she wants to give me it.
Truly, Humans, don't you think that's fair? It is MY food, after all. Woof!
[Note from Mom: I am a softie, and almost always give her a treat, or two, when she wants them -- except when she hasn't eaten the food in her bowl. If she eats dinner after 7:00, then she wants out about 11:00, when I'd rather be sleeping. So I don't feel totally unfair. But I am considering one of those self-feeding tower things... but not for treats, just for food! Too many treats, and she'll be as fat as I am!]